Hell No !
It's not okay dude ,
You once told me that he's a playboy .
bla bla ,
whatever la dude !!
Geez .
Now Go Die xD
The Langkawi is awesomeeee
Now only i can feel the freedom ,
but because of this (beep)
My tension is coming back xD
I dont mind at all*maybe -.-
I miss pidot xD
I miss fyza xD
I miss suraya
huhu .
GilaGila .
mase dkt langkawi ,
nk pegi snorkeling .
ade la sorang laki cina ni .
HOT !!
dye tgor aq ,
dye ckp ,
"adeq dri KL ah?"
aq angguk je la .
tibe2 dye nk tngkap gmbar dgn aq .
aq pun YA je la xD
cam bangang .
mmg ensem ar dye tuh xD
tk bley di gmbar kn
Pictures ?
not upload yet .
later la .
LazyLazy xD