Thursday, May 26

Funny Story

I had this dream . 
So (beep) damn weird .
On 21/5
NIGHT ! of course .
i dream about me and (beep) ..
kiteorng gi dinner kat Georgetown , Penang .
expensive restaurant plak tu .
dlm mimpi tu ,
dye pegang tgn aku .
tpi , tibe2 ..
(beep) ilang .
and adeq aq plak muncul xD
mimpi en pelik .

On 22/5 plak 
aq mimpi pasai (beep) *org lain
dlm mimpi tu , kiteorng kat skola
ade ari usahawan kot .
But , dlm mimpi tu jgak ..
dye mcm mrh kat aq .
mule2 dye ckp nk jumpe aq , 
pastu dye ckp
"err, tk jadi la "
dye pndang aq pun mcm mrh je .

Yeah , this might be sound weird .
But what is 'universe' xD trying to tell me .
Is it just a dream or what ?

I just wanna share it .
i dont know why it happened to me .
i cant forget this dream . at all !

I injured my leg :'(
cant go to school  .
mule2 demam , skrg sakit kaki .
ish3 .